The beauty industry is evolving rapidly, and trends in modern cosmetic surgery are dictated by you, the patient who wants a change or an improvement in your look. If in the past women wanted large and very large breasts and shapes to meet the demands of the media and to fit in with trends, today more and more of my patients want something that suits them, shapes that they feel good with and in which they feel comfortable. This way I can create the best version of you!More and more,the “copy/paste” woman is being abandoned and the trend is towards individualisation. BePerfect women want to be unique, to feel good about their new shapes and to exude confidence. The results are increasingly “clean” without looking artificial, but keeping the “wow” factor that every woman wants! The old methods aimed at injecting large amounts in one session, which led to exaggerated results. Today, the trend is towards repeated beauty sessions for a cumulative effect that lasts longer. The results are also exceptional, giving skin and tissue time to mould to the new contour. If in the past women wanted any intervention to be beautiful, without being aware of cosmetic surgery now, modern women have a “wish list” when it comes to cosmetic interventions.I am waiting for you for a consultation and together we will tick off your beauty wishes one by one! Be Perfect Plastic Surgery by Dr. Bortolini More details can be found at benefit from these rejuvenating and beautifying treatments and not only you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email with interest the next articles in the blog to be updated with the latest news in the beauty world!Be Perfect Plastic Surgery by Dr. Bortolini