Case 1
Dorsal hump (osteocartilaginous hump) with wide and flattened (fallen) septum deviation with crooked columella and asymmetrical nostrils.
hump (osteocartilaginous hump) broad and ptotic (fallen)

Case 2
Nasal pyramid deviated to the right,
hump (osteocartilaginous hump) broad and ptotic (fallen) tip

Case 3
Massive osteocartialaginous (hump) excess, broad and ptotic apex,
nasal pyramid deviated to the right at 2 weeks post-op.

Case 4
Pyramid deviated to the right, broad and poorly defined apex,
dorsal osteocartilaginous excess (hump)

Case 5
Massive dorsal osteocartilaginous (hump) tipped apex, pyramid slightly deviated to right, elongated nostrils.
(PS pigment nevus (mole) will be removed in a secondary stage.

Case 6
Moderate osteocartilaginous (hump) excess, asymmetrical nostrils

Case 7

Case 8
Nasal pyramid deviated to the right, dorsal osteocartilaginous excess,
broad, drooping and asymmetrical apex.

Case 9
2sapt postop

Case 10

Case 11
10days postop

Case 12

Case 13
Very thick skin at nasal pharynx osteocartialaginous excess,
tip flattened and wide, deviated to the right 1 month posttop.

Case 14

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