What is the difference between Trim or Wedge labiaplasty?
Genetics, pregnancy or even the natural process of yawning can all affect the shape and appearance of the female genital region. Enlarged inner or outer labia can sometimes cause pain or discomfort when exercising, running, having sex or simply wearing tight clothing. The appearance of the labia can also affect a woman’s self-esteem, confidence and even affect her relationship with her partner. Sometimes even young women who have not started their sexual life feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the appearance of their labia and it affects their self-confidence and ability to form relationships.
Types of anatomical variants
- The most common change in the intimate region is that the labia minora are enlarged in volume or asymmetrical (sometimes only one labia may be enlarged and the other normal in appearance).
- Other times the labia majora may lose volume and the skin becomes lax with a puckered appearance.
- Another common problem is the existence of a clitoral foreskin.
- Depending on the type of problem there is a specific solution.
- Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure to reduce the labia minora and to obtain a smooth appearance of the area. The patient also feels more comfortable in a bikini or sportswear and regains self-confidence.
- There are 2 types of labiaplasty TRIM or WEDGE What is the TRIM (Direct excision) labiaplasty technique?
It is one of the most commonly used methods to remove excess skin from the labia. It involves creating an incision that removes virtually all of the excess outer edge of the labia minora (inner labia) in such a way that the labia minora remain at the level of or even covered (inside) by the labia majora.Advantages of the technique:– Removes the excess even in advanced or complicated forms where we have significant excess from top to bottom, i.e. from the clitoral area to near the anus – Removes the lower area of the labia which is often darker in colour. For many women this is a reason for resorting to labiaplasty – Has a minimal (almost non-existent) risk of wound dehiscence (suture loosening) – Can also remove the clitoral foreskin Disadvantages of the technique: – Creates a scar along the entire length of the labia so until the scar matures it can be tender – The edge of the labia can sometimes be slightly indented depending on how healing and scarring of the area takes place.
What is the WEDGE labiaplasty technique?
The WEDGE or “slice of cake” technique is a new alternative. It removes the central part, which is often in excess, in a “V” shape and sutures the remaining edges.Advantages of the technique:
- A minimal scar remains as a “line” on the inside and outside of the lip
- Does not leave the edge of the lip fringed
Disadvantages of the technique:
- Higher rate of dehiscence (suture can come undone) – which means reoperation
- Depending on the individual’s anatomy, there may be a sudden transition between the pink colour in the upper lip area and the darker, browner colour in the lower area – that area can then be discoloured using intimate bleaching creams
- Higher risk of haematoma (bleeding)
How to decide which one is right for you?The best way to decide which surgical technique is right for you is to have an open and detailed discussion about your wishes and expectations from this surgery during your consultation and together we will determine the best option for you to have beautiful and natural results! For before and after pictures click on the link below : https://beperfect.ro/vaginoplastie-si-labioplastie/ Schedulea consultation 0766252161