More and more men are interested in how they look. They want to look younger and fresher, more rested. This helps them both at work and when interacting with women. An important aspect is facial wrinkles, which are easily corrected with botulinum toxin. This procedure is increasingly popular even among young men.

I encourage my patients to get botulinum toxin treatment (Vistabel, Dysport), especially since I have had this procedure myself! This can stop the natural aging process in the face.

Most patients have told me that their face plays an important role in forming a first impression and that they want to look as beautiful as possible. That is why I give them as much attention as possible to get exactly the image they want.

By dosing the botulinum toxin appropriately, the level at which I inject it can achieve wrinkle removal without totally blocking the normal movements of the face. Patients who want more than this can get a so-called “freez look”, an effect that lasts for a longer time.

My patients who have benefited from a facial beauty treatment have gained a boost of confidence in themselves and their own strength to succeed!

More details can be found at

To benefit from this rejuvenation and beauty treatment and more you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email:

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