Of course you can fly! They do not explode when traveling by air, another myth debunked! If you are planning a vacation it would be best after 2 weeks, when the sutures heal. After this period there is no danger in flying.
2.CAN I STILL PLAY SPORT after the operation?
Of course you can! You can resume sports activity, progressively, in about two months after surgery. You can start with running and light maintenance exercises. However, 2-3 months after the operation it is forbidden to lift weights over 3.5 kg or any activity of this kind involving the pectoral muscles and maximum extension of the arms. After this period you can resume your sports habits without any problems, but wearing a suitable bra.
I recommend that you do not expose yourself to the sun during the first month after the operation. Then you can go sunbathing, with moderate exposure, but never in the sun. The scars must be protected and covered, otherwise they will become intensely coloured and more visible.
In the case of implants inserted subpectorally through the inframammary fold (under the breast) breastfeeding is possible, the breastfeeding process is not altered. If the implant is inserted through the areola, or in the case of breast reduction/ reduction operations, it is possible to interfere with the breastfeeding function, being greatly reduced or even absent.
A common fear among mothers-to-be who have undergone such an operation is that of possible silicone leakage into the milk and thus possible toxicity. It should be noted that silicone from intact breast implants cannot leak and contaminate milk.
You should know that any implant surgery is done with a scalpel, there are no breast augmentation or breast reshaping surgeries with implants without incisions and scars.
The latest studies show that women with breast implants are not at increased risk of breast cancer. In most cases the implant is placed under the muscle and does not have direct contact with the breast gland. For the health of your breast tissue it is important to have a breast ultrasound before surgery and then repeated regularly. Also inform your radiologist if you have breast implants.
This is a myth, there is no such thing. Instead, the best quality implant manufacturers offer a wide range of sizes, volumes and shapes of implants, so you too will find the right one for your body and your desires. Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to keep up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
To learn more about breast and buttock augmentation call and schedule a consultation!
To take advantage of this beauty treatment and more you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.
Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to keep up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
As the new year approaches, it’s interesting to look at new trends and what we can expect in the field of plastic surgery. In the latest statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), 2018 is shaping up to be the year of the Brazilian Butt Lift. The procedure that uses your own fat to sculpt the buttocks is popular among women who want a curvy posterior. Next in my blog, Be Perfect by Dr Bortolini, I’ll explain why the Brazilian Butt Lift is so popular.
Two procedures in one!
Although the traditional buttock augmentation procedure is very successful in volumizing the buttocks, it doesn’t offer other benefits to the other parts of the body. On the other hand, the procedure called Brazilian butt gives patients the chance to enlarge their buttocks while simultaneously shrinking other areas of the body. Imagine getting a sexy butt and a slimmer abdomen and thighs at the same time!
More refined techniques = more defined curves
Much of the popularity of the Brazilian butt lift is due to advances in the materials and techniques used during the procedures. Incisions for fat removal are smaller and fewer than in previous years which means smaller and less noticeable scars. Being up to date with the latest in the field I know exactly where and how fat is best injected to achieve the round and rounded Brazilian butt you desire.
Fast recovery and excellent results
It seems that many celebrities are able to transform their bodies almost instantly and this has influenced others to look to get the results they want in the shortest time possible. The Brazilian Butt Lift is an excellent method for women who are tired of hours of exercising at the gym without the desired results. It is also a great solution for those who have problem areas outside the buttock area. Previously patients who opted for buttock augmentation had to wait several months before they could have another liposuction procedure to address the problem areas. The Brazilian buttock lift improves several areas of the body in a much shorter period of time. This means a shorter recovery time and a shorter time to get the results you want. Why not start 2018 with a fuller, rounder, curvier posterior like you’ve always wanted? To learn more about Brazilian butt augmentation call and schedule a consultation!
More details can be found at https://beperfect.ro/servicii/lifting-brazilian-de-fese/
To benefit from this beauty treatment and more you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.
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Do silicone breast implants have to be replaced after 10 years of wear? There is no guarantee that silicone breast implants will last for 10 years, so contrary to some myths, they have no shelf life. Their duration is largely influenced by your body’s reaction to the implant, your lifestyle and even your occupation. Although many women have had implants for many years, they should not be considered for life. If there is no change in the shape of your breasts, and if you have no pain or other signs of alarm, there is no reason to change them, no matter how long you have them. Of course, the shape and volume of natural breasts will change over time and due to gravity. Of course, if you want to maintain the same firm and youthful breast appearance after years, at some point you will want another operation. There are many myths on the internet about changing implants. One of them is that women believe that implants should be routinely changed after 10 years, unless they break down. This is not the case, implants should only be replaced when there is a problem. In most cases, the reason why they need to be replaced is either implant rupture or capsular contracture (i.e. the formation of excess scar tissue around the implant). This scar tissue causes the breast to feel firm, change shape or create discomfort. In the case of silicone implants, implant rupture may not be detected because the implants are made of highly cohesive silicone gel (meaning that it does not flow like a liquid but remains adherent to itself). This is why the FDA recommends monitoring implants every 3 years to detect implant rupture. Sometimes symptoms can occur such as: swollen nodes (lumps), deformity of the breast or implant, swelling or a feeling of hardening of the breast in question. Silicone implants are quite strong and can withstand a lot of pressure, and tests show that you can drive over an implant or throw it from the floor and it still won’t break. They don’t explode when travelling by plane, another myth busted! You can also sit on them while sleeping or exercising. However in case of very strong impacts (e.g. severe road accident they can still crack and need to be replaced) To learn more about silicone breast implants call and schedule a consultation!To benefit from this beauty treatment and not only you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to keep up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
Dark circles and under-eye depressions are the result of aging, stress and sleepless nights. To correct and improve the appearance of the eye area I use hyaluronic acid fillers to add volume and lift the sagging areas.Teosyal Redensity II hyaluronic acid, is a product specially designed for the dark circles area with exceptional results. The procedure is performed using a cannula, in the deep dark area, to limit the edema (swelling), pain and bruising that can occur.
Results are maintained for 6-9 months. After this procedure my patients have a much brighter eye area and feel totally rejuvenated. The appearance of the face is much improved, it is brighter, more rested, fresher which gives them a rejuvenated look.
Hyaluronic acid is injected into the “tear trough” to add volume and lift the area. I use hyaluronic acid because it is a natural product normally found in the skin. For this procedure the cannula gives the best results, but sometimes it can also be injected with a fine needle. The needle can be used to leave small acid deposits in the superficial layer and for discolouration.
Patients enjoy an immediate result. The effects last from 6 to 9 months. Minimal oedema may occur after injection with rapid recovery. More details can be found at https://beperfect.ro/servicii/eliminare-cearcane/
To benefit from this rejuvenating and beautifying treatment and more you can contact me on 0766.252.161 or by email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.
Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to keep up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
When I talk to my patients about their choice of breast enhancement silhouettes, an important factor is how they fit into the side contour of their breasts.
Next in my blog, Be Perfect by Dr Bortolini, I will detail how breast implants contour the breasts. The perfect silicone breast implant should fit into the natural breast contour under the armpit area for those who want a more natural look, or go slightly beyond it for patients who want a more pronounced augmentation. This allows a larger volume of silicone to be inserted with a fuller breast appearance in swimsuits, tops or strapless dresses. Not all women want this, so some patients opt for a silicone that does not go beyond the armpit line.
Both thorough post-operative planning and a well-adapted intra-operative technique are particularly important in creating a perfect breast augmentation contour. The implant should be chosen taking into account the size and natural shape of the breast, the insertion of the pectoral muscle, the thickness of the covering tissues and the patient’s wishes and expectations. During surgery, creating a pocket as adapted as possible for the future implant is crucial in the final contour of the breast.
When I place the implant under the muscles, I make sure that I loosen the muscles so that the pockets are perfectly symmetrical for an exceptional result! Many of the patients I have operated on had muscle and insertion asymmetries, which required correction and careful attention in contouring the implant socket.
When lateral pocket expansion is required, it is particularly important not to exceed certain extension limits, so as not to create a very wide pocket. In such cases, the implants slide sideways, move apart creating an unsightly appearance and causing complications! Unfortunately many of the patients who came for revision from other doctors had this problem.
I pay close attention to the placement of the implant during surgery and how it sits not only statically but also in the dynamics of the arms. This gives a soft appearance to the outer edge of the implant. It also outlines the projection and position of the silicone implants.
More details can be found at https://beperfect.ro/servicii/marirea-sanilor-cu-implant-de-silicon/
To take advantage of this beauty treatment and more you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.
Follow with interest the next articles of the blog to be updated with the latest news in the beauty world!
Although the cosmetisation of the intimate area and especially the vaginal or labial area is not a frequently discussed topic, labiaplasty surgery is increasingly requested by BE PERFECT patients. I could even say that it occupies a higher place in the top of interventions besides breast augmentation with silicone implant and rhinoplasty.
The labiaplasty procedure improves not only the appearance of the intimate area, but also self-confidence especially during sexual intercourse and why not improve the way women feel when wearing a swimsuit or a pair of tight pants.
I use a minimally invasive technique for my patients, with exceptional results and fast recovery. More details can be found on my website: https: //beperfect.ro/servicii/labioplastie/
Women resort to this procedure out of the need to feel comfortable in the clothes they wear, during yoga exercises or during intimate moments. They may have difficulty maintaining optimal hygiene, or simply don’t like the way they look.
A perfectly contoured intimate area gives a much firmer, more dynamic and youthful appearance! If you fit one of these descriptions, don’t be embarrassed to schedule a consultation. You will be amazed at the benefits you can get from this labiaplasty procedure.
To benefit from this rejuvenating and beautifying treatment and not only you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.
Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to be up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
Bichectomy or Bichat’s fatty bulla removal surgery is a procedure increasingly requested by my BE PERFECT patients. It is a relatively simple procedure, performed under local anesthesia with an intraoral approach, which causes no visible scarring. The results are permanent, and the appearance is exceptional! My patients benefit from a much more sculpted face, with well-defined cheeks and cheekbones, which gives them a much more sexy and youthful look.Bichectomy is and can be considered the only method to lose weight in the cheek area!
For an even more accentuated result, volume can be added to the cheekbone area with the help of hyaluronic acid, thus creating an enviable contour! These can be successfully combined with liposuction of the area under the chin, thus getting rid of an unsightly pucker. The face becomes more supple, giving the impression of a much slimmer silhouette, absolutely perfect! If I caught your attention and you are interested, do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr Bortolini, specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery Bucharest! You can find the appointment dates HERE! More details can be found at https://beperfect.ro/servicii/bichectomia/To benefit from this rejuvenation and beauty treatment and not only you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to be up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
It is well known that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but what do you do when your soul is young, but looks much aged because of unsightly fat deposits on the eyelids? These have a name XANTELASMS and a quick fix, their removal by excision! The procedure is simple, performed with local anaesthesia and minimal recovery. The results are seen immediately!
So my BE PERFECT patients can enjoy a much rejuvenated look!
Xanthelasmas once they appear increase in volume and can even extend over the entire eyelid surface. The faster they are removed after their appearance, the more satisfactory the results are, as they can be removed completely.
Often people with xanthelasma also have unsightly dark circles. This is why the procedure can be successfully completed by adding fine hyaluronic acid, specialised for the lower eyelid area. The face thus becomes much fresher, with a more rested, youthful appearance, which increases self-confidence!
At BEPERFECT, I, Dr Bortolini, specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, can restore the lost youthfulness of your face! Don’t hesitate to make an appointment to receive the best medical services!
More details can be found at https://beperfect.ro/servicii/xantelasme/To benefit from this rejuvenating and beautifying treatment and not only you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to be updated with the latest news in the beauty world!
More and more men are interested in how they look. They want to look younger and fresher, more rested. This helps them both at work and when interacting with women. An important aspect is facial wrinkles, which are easily corrected with botulinum toxin. This procedure is increasingly popular even among young men.
I encourage my patients to get botulinum toxin treatment (Vistabel, Dysport), especially since I have had this procedure myself! This can stop the natural aging process in the face.
Most patients have told me that their face plays an important role in forming a first impression and that they want to look as beautiful as possible. That is why I give them as much attention as possible to get exactly the image they want.
By dosing the botulinum toxin appropriately, the level at which I inject it can achieve wrinkle removal without totally blocking the normal movements of the face. Patients who want more than this can get a so-called “freez look”, an effect that lasts for a longer time.
My patients who have benefited from a facial beauty treatment have gained a boost of confidence in themselves and their own strength to succeed!
More details can be found at https://beperfect.ro/servicii/tratament-riduri-toxina-botulinica-barbati/
To benefit from this rejuvenation and beauty treatment and more you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email: drbortolini@beperfect.ro.
Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to keep up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
Be Perfect Plastic Surgery by Dr. Bortolini
Like many brides-to-be, this is probably the most important day of your life. From my experience as a plastic surgeon, I, Dr. Bortolini Alin, have noticed that most brides want to feel flawless on their wedding night, as if they were on the red carpet. To make sure you look your best as the big day approaches, consider the following cosmetic surgery tips.
Perfect Body
Body sculpting procedures will make you look spectacular in any wedding dress! During the ceremony as well as before (civil wedding, bridal shower) there will be lots of photos taken and it’s important to be relaxed knowing you’ll look good from every angle.
The most requested body procedures by future brides are: breast augmentation, liposuction of the arms, waist and neck (double chin) and buttock augmentation with own fat (Brazilian buttock lift). These procedures will create an enviable hourglass shaped body that will look exceptional.
Perfect Face
Face and neck contouring and beautifying procedures are also requested by brides-to-be. Rhinoplasty, lip augmentation, cheek augmentation, bichectomy, dark circles correction are some of the procedures that can create a symmetrical, sculpted and harmonious face.
Taking advantage of the Be Perfect concept, we will do a facial and body analysis and highlight the areas that need improvement, and you will benefit from the best solutions for you.
Planning procedures
Timely scheduling of procedures before the wedding is essential.
In the case of injectable procedures, recovery is very quick and can be done shortly before the wedding. However, it is recommended that they be done at least 1 month beforehand to allow enough time for any small bruises to disappear.
In the case of surgical interventions, they must be planned taking into account the recovery period. For example in the case of rhinoplasty the results can take up to a year to take final shape.
Brides-to-be should also benefit from breast augmentation, liposuction and other body contouring procedures 3-6 months before their wedding dress measurements.
If you want to have both an unforgettable wedding and a great bachelorette party, organize a botulinum toxin party with your bridesmaids a few days before the big event, where you will each get a discount for the desired beauty procedures!
More details can be found at https://beperfect.ro/servicii/
To take advantage of this rejuvenation and beauty treatment and not only you can contact me at 0766.252.161 or by email drbortolini@beperfect.ro.
Follow with interest the next articles in the blog to be up to date with the latest news in the beauty world!
Be Perfect Plastic Surgery by Dr. Bortolini